
Scientific report at the university

One of the types of scientific work in a higher educational institution is a report.

This is a voluminous oral message on a specific topic, voiced in front of an audience (publicly).

Usually such presentations take place within the framework of a seminar or a conference. To cope with writing a report, the student must conduct independent research work on the issue proposed for discussion.

Basic requirements for a scientific report at a university

When preparing a report, you should follow the rules for its design , otherwise the teacher will consider it invalid.

  • Having an established structure.
  • The size of the material is not more than four sheets of A4 format.
  • Laconic presentation of information in a scientific style.
Stages of report preparation

In order for the work to be of the highest quality and affordable, you need to follow all the stages of preparation:

  • Choice of research topic.
  • Search and familiarization with relevant scientific works of famous scientists.
  • Conducting your own analysis of the studied literature and highlighting significant scientific provisions for yourself.
  • Writing a detailed report plan.
  • Development of the main part.
  • Thinking through the introduction and conclusion of the report.
Report Structure

The structure of the report traditionally includes:

  • Introduction.
    At the beginning of the work, it is necessary to designate the topic of the study (formulate the main thesis), its relationship with other topical problems, briefly list the scientific sources that served as the basis for the report. At this stage of the presentation, it is important to interest listeners in the importance and necessity of covering this topic as part of the learning process.
  • Main part.
    In the main part, you need to display the entire course of the study of the problem, means, methods, and the results obtained. For clarity, data can be displayed in the form of lists, tables or charts with statistics. This part should be the most voluminous and informative, serve as an argument for the thesis set in the introduction.
  • Conclusion.
    In the final part, you should summarize and draw conclusions that correspond to the research data. You can also again emphasize the importance of the problem raised in the presentation.
    When preparing a printed version of the work, it is necessary to add to the structure a title page (which also has certain requirements for its design) and a table of contents before the introduction, and at the very end of the work, list the literature used in the preparation.
The duration of a speech with a report should usually not exceed 10-15 minutes, which should be taken into account when working on the material. An excessive number of introductory words, turns of speech that do not carry significant information should be avoided this.


  • Understand the meaning of all the terms used in the report and, if necessary, be able to explain them to the audience.
  • Present information calmly and confidently, do not be afraid to interact with the audience, answer questions on the topic.
  • You should not rush too much, when in a hurry, there is a high probability of confusing something.
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