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Đăng bài trong chủ đề 'An Overview of Software Development for E-Commerce' by ddory8843 has been reported by NGUYEN VINH HOANG. Reason given:

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As of 2020, eCommerce is a $4.28 trillion global sector, according to Statista. That being said, having an eCommerce website is essential for companies of all sizes to have a shot at success in the cutthroat market of today. Online buying is becoming the norm. Going back to shopping on a phone sounds unthinkable for people who have become accustomed to using them for this purpose. Web-based e-commerce businesses also provide a number of advantages that traditional retailers cannot match: Consumers no longer need to get in their automobiles and drive anywhere in order to have things delivered to their homes.

What is software development for e-commerce?
Since its inception in 1972, the term "e-commerce" has grown increasingly more well-known. As of this writing, the phrase refers to a broad range of online purchasing and selling activities, from the sale of tangible goods to the provision of digital services. When it comes to custom shopping cart solutions, there are no hard and fast rules. If you want to explore or invest in an eCommerce business model, you should be aware of several significant trends that are currently in the market.

Main e-commerce business models or types of e-commerce businesses:
B2B (business-to-business): Business-to-business, or B2B, e-commerce is an online sales model wherein corporations offer their products and services to other businesses directly.
Business to Consumer (B2C): A business that sells its goods directly to customers is referred to as a B2C company. If you run a phone accessory-focused internet store, end users—rather than other companies—will be your clients.
Business to Administration (B2A): This refers to the exchange of goods and services between businesses and government agencies. Delivering goods and services can be done in a variety of ways, including through information technology, finance, logistics, and transportation.
Consumer to Administrator (C2A): This refers to commercial exchanges between local customers or the public and government organizations.

The best three choices for e-commerce web development software
  1. With roots in both traditional and modern e-commerce, Magento is a well-known open-source e-commerce platform. This is a nimble, user-friendly option that boasts features fit for a pro.
  2. WooCommerce: You may use WordPress to construct online stores by using the WooCommerce plug-in. To configure and alter plug-ins to suit your company's requirements, you can use WordPress developers. Furthermore, WooCommerce may be integrated with other blog systems like Squarespace and Tombole.
  3. One of the many distinct eCommerce systems on the market is Shopify. It is natural that you would be curious about the best software program to employ to launch your company online! Shopify is renowned for its robust backend management, simple setup, and high-quality design.
In summary
Getting the store from the concept stage to a place where it can manage millions of different products bought by millions of customers through the central store is the main goal of e-commerce software development.
Any online retailer faces the challenge of figuring out how to best accomplish each of these objectives and making sure that they are all completed correctly.
The three main focuses of AHT Tech's e-commerce solutions are intelligent support, building an e-commerce website, and offering an excellent omnichannel customer experience. We connect your systems, staff, and customers across physical and virtual channels to help you fulfill your brand promise, promote operational improvements, and create exceptional customer experiences.
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